Friday, November 14, 2014

Introduction Post: What this blog is and what it isn't...

Well, here we are. Best dive right in!

I wanted to put up this initial post as a sort of guide to this blog. I wanted to explain and go into what this blog is and what it isn't. So, let's get started!

What this blog isn't...
This blog is not a place to obtain 100% factual and cited information on every single aspect of anything Asatru. And I'll tell you why... Once you start scratching the surface of the Asatru community, you come to realize a great divide amongst its followers. On one side are the believers and on the other, the re-constructionists. Neither side is "right" or "wrong" but they often war with one another (I'll go into my thoughts on this in a later post). I am a believer. We'll leave it at that for now, but suffice it to say that due to that fact, the issues I'll be posting about are going to have some of my own opinions and beliefs added in. I don't want this blog to read like a dictionary or some old stuffy tomb that is full of information that, while valuable, has lost much of its meaning in today's society.

That being said, I am not an expert by any means. I am just starting out and have only found my way to this path a few years ago. Yes, that, to me, still makes me "new at this". I'm also going to do my absolute best to attempt a blog with limited negativity. So, you'll find little to no "bashing" here. This is not a "rage" blog or a "vent" blog.

What this blog is...
This is a central location for information that I have gathered, my thoughts on said information, and my belief structures being put into written form. I personally adore the written word and tend to be rather long winded while speaking and that carries over into my writing. I want this blog to be a place where I (and anyone else for that matter) could come and read about this faith, this religion, this way of life. Because it's much more than a simple religion.

I also want this blog to be light-hearted at times and down to earth but also carrying a flare for the mysterious and mystical. And, if you missed the "About" page, a touch of silliness thrown in there for good measure.

I also want to address right here and now that I will be answering comments on each individual post as well as pages however I will not tolerate spamming or extreme negativity. Contradict me all you want, bang away on the keyboard to your heart's content, but don't insult me or any one else. If nothing, we can all be civil. We are talking about religion here and that tends to bring out both the worst and the best in people.

I think that's a good opener for now and this is where I leave you.

P.s. - Yes I know there are little accent marks on the word Asatru and yes, I know there are alt codes to produce those letters.

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